As New Hampton High School senior Val Rinken led Dixie Zeien and her four grandchildren around the “Santa Store,” grandma looked into the gift box and couldn’t help but laugh.“OK, who got this truck?”“I did,” said little Ryan Kuhn. “For mommy.
If there’s a trick to being Santa, it has something to do with being patient.Let’s face it, there are some kids that find the jolly old fellow in the red suit to be a little ... well, you know ...
Five Star Cooperative will hold three open houses, including one in New Hampton, next week.The New Hampton open house is set for Wednesday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
K&W Motors officials present a check for $1,000 to the Chickasaw Wrestling Club after New Hampton High School wrestlers help the business with its relocation from its old building on Main Street to its new one on the west side of the city.
A trip of a lifetime was had last week for four New Hampton High School Dance Team members when they performed in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York City.Morgan Smith, Isabel Hoey, Madison TeKippe and Jenna Murray traveled to New York
Social media exploded Tuesday and Wednesday about the a potential “Snowmageddon” event next week.Different private weather services were warning Iowans that “feet of snow” could fall on the state on Tuesday and Wednesday.The National Weather Servi
Come one and all to Santa Saturday this Saturday in New Hampton where events — many centered around the jolly old fellow — will be held for visitors of all ages.The day’s festivities begin with the third annual Great Plays Daycare Santa Store at t
Peoples Insurance Agency in Nashua has been through months of remodeling and with only a few touch ups is now open for business at their new location at 104 Bradford Parkway.Planning for the company’s new location began in July when they bought th
The Nashua Public Library will be holding their annual Holiday Open House with refreshments, prizes, holiday music, crafts and more for children of all ages.On Dec. 10 the holiday fun will begin at 10 a.m.
This holiday season children will have the chance to mail their letters to Santa in the mailbox that will be located outside of the New Horizons-Chamber office on Main Street in New Hampton.The mailbox was purchased by the Chamber and was painted
Children’s author, Tim Malven of Nashua, visited the Nashua Public Library last Saturday and read his book, “The Christmas that Almost Wasn’t” to a group of youngsters.Tim grew up on a farm outside of Maynard.
The holiday season has begun and Christmas in Nashua is right around the corner. Celebrate Christmas in Nashua with a few or all of the fun events going on throughout the day on Dec. 3.The morning will begin at 9 a.m.
Sometime back in October 2015, after New Hampton High School agriculture teacher Jim Russ had shown the film “Temple Grandin” to his students, they approached him.In short, their idea was simple: Let’s get the world-renowned autism spokesperson an
Not everyone headed off to the big-city malls and stores late Thanksgiving Day and on Black Friday; in fact, quite a few of us stayed home.“I think it’s always a good sign when it’s tough to find a parking spot both downtown and out west,” New Hor
Superintendent Jay Jurrens sounded the alarm to the New Hampton School Board last week when it came to the state of the district’s General Fund.At the same time, Jurrens said there was no reason to panic; instead, he wanted board members to know t