By Bob Fenske
Let’s clear up one thing right away — the Chickasaw County engineer has had two assistants for years.
A Kansas man died in a crop-dusting helicopter crash that took place northeast of Nashua on Monday.
Of the Reporter
It wasn’t the news the Chickasaw County Board of Supervisors wanted when it came to a much-talked about road improvement project.
By Kelly Terpstra
A sad reality was discussed at the Nashua City Council meeting this past Monday.
Cary Griffith was a lot of things to a lot of different people.
Jay Marley is first and foremost a people person.
He’s been that way since his high school days back in Riceville and throughout his career in education.
It seemed like a no-brainer to the New Hampton City Council.
Timing is everything.
So, too, are good, supportive co-workers.
The Nashua Park Board and the Water Over the Dam Days spent much of Friday scrambling because of the weather and a number of the festival’s activities that were scheduled to be held at Cedar View Park are being moved to the Big 4 Fairgrounds.