Donated AED to be placed in squad car

Jeremy and Lacey McGrath have donated an AED defibulater to the Chickasaw Count Sheriff’s Department in hopes of getting one in every squad car.Currently none of the eight squad cars have AEDs in them.“We want to see one in every car because when the call comes in of someone in distress they are usually the first on the scene,” said McGrath about the deputies. They are already in their cars when the call comes, whereas the ambulance crew must first have to get to the garage.“Minutes count,” said McGrath.Both Chief Deputy Marty Hemann and McGrath woud like to see AEDs in all of the county police cars and sheriff vehicles for times of emergency.McGrath said the Nashua Police Department does have AEDs and one was even used on a person, saving his life.“We are very thankful and appreciate this donation,” said Hemann.This donation saves the department from having to purchase the AED, saving the taxpayers as well.“It is a win/win/win,” said Hemann.