Linn-Mar gives team a ‘break’

When New Hampton plays Waukon tonight [Tuesday] for softball’s version of Senior Parent Night, the Chickasaws will be taking on the same team they'll be playing to start the postseason, which begins a week from Wednesday.But the girls still have plenty of ball to play in the next week.And although the Chickasaws were 1-3 in the annual Linn-Mar tourney over the weekend, coach Jack Seelhammer thinks of the tourney as the calm before the storm."We go down there and have a good time, it's a little break before the rush here," he said Sunday night.New Hampton started Friday with a 3-2 loss to Alburnett that went eight innings, dropped an 11-4 decision to Center Point-Urbana and a 6-2 game against Mid-Prairie Wellman before crushing a Cedar Rapids Washington team in three innings, 13-0.A single by Lexi Rasmussen and double by Isabel Leichtman set the stage for New Hampton's first run against Alburnett, scored on a Kerigan Tenge RBI single in the second inning.
The rest of the story may be found in the June 27 Tribune.