Huskies break out the big bats

Let’s just say, Nashua-Plainfield took out its frustrations on North Butler in a big way Monday night.
After suffering three tough losses to Top of Iowa Conference East Division contenders last week, the Huskies came to the ballpark with an “enough-is-enough attitude” as they pounded out 19 hits and got a four-inning no-hitter from Mason Hyde in a 15-0 win over North Butler.
“We played kind of angry,” Nashua-Plainfield coach Levi Miller said. “Our guys are competitors — each and every night — and they didn’t like the way last week went.”
But if anything, losses to Central Springs, St. Ansgar and Osage last week showed just how much potential the Huskies have in 2016.
“We’re right there with all three,” Miller said. “A timely hit here, a timely hit there and we might be talking about winning all three of those games. But what I like about our guys is they’re not happy with just competing, they want to win.”
The game against the Panthers — who are coached by Miller’s brother, Ethan — was a, in a word, marathon, before Central Springs finally scratched out an unearned run in the 10th inning for a 5-4 run.
The rest of the story may be found in the June 9 Reporter.