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Residents say school needs to ‘sell’ plan

The majority of residents who attended a special School Board meeting Tuesday night want New Hampton to take care of its facility issues in one fell swoop.

Students enjoy outside activities during final few days

It was decided that the intermediate school in Plainfield would have their track and field day on Tuesday of last week instead of Wednesday due to a poor weather forecast. The decision was a good one.

Students receive awareness class

Deputy Terry Dehmlow told the Nashua-Plainfield senior class the disturbing cold hard  facts last week in a sexual assault awareness class.

Hanneman Construction purchases lots in Nashua’s Industrial Park

Two lots in Nashua’s Industrial Park were sold for a second time at Monday night’s City Council meet.

Incumbents fall in primary; Scholl wins GOP sheriff's race

It was a tough night for Chickasaw County supervisors incumbents Tuesday as both Democrat Rick Holthaus and Republican Steve Geerts were defeated in the primary election.

Mayor thanks council one last time Monday

“Thank you all for working with me since I came back,” said Mayor Deanne Lantow. Mayor Lantow wanted to thank all the Council members at Monday evening’s meeting since this will be her last one presiding as Mayor for the City of Nashua.

Uh-oh, here comes flu season

The flu season appears to be off to an early start in Iowa, as the Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) last week announced testing by the State Hygienic Laboratory (SHL) has identified strains of influenza circulating in the state.

Now, this is the way to start off November

Dear Mother Nature;
We’re not sure what we did to quite deserve this, but we want to thank you for this week — a wonderful reminder that you really do have a heart.

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