4-H and FFA Achievement Show puts spotlight on kids

If Sarah Merrifield could teach the “fair uninitiated” one thing, it would be this: Those projects — whether they be livestock, photos, foods, whatever — don’t just happen overnight.“These kids put so much time into their projects,” said the Chickasaw County ISU Extension office manager. “That finished project just doesn’t magically appear. They plan, they get the things they need, they work, they plan some more ... it’s a process.”And the end results will be on display next week when the Chickasaw County 4-H and FFA Achievement Show kicks off its six-day run on Wednesday, July 13.Chickasaw County is somewhat unique in that it is actually home to two county fairs each year. There’s the fair next week, which is “all about the kids,” said Merrifield, and there’s the Big Four Fair that is held each Labor Day weekend.Both are held at the Big Four Fairgrounds in Nashua, but this year’s Achievement Show has been pushed back on the calendar a bit.For the complete story see the 7/7/2016 Nashua Reporter.