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A 50-year-old Lawler mystery is ‘answered’ in middle of Florida

What are the odds?Iowa's population? Three million. Florida's?

Couple gets national TV shot for their unique firm

If it can be recycled, it just might be in that flower pot.That’s pretty much the motto of Brett and Lavonne Ohm’s business, New Horizons Flower Pots, and now it is garnering national attention.Last fall, the Discovery Channel’s “Made by Destructi

Fair is all about the kids

If Sarah Merrifield could teach the “fair uninitiated” one thing, it would be this: Those projects — whether they be livestock, photos, foods, whatever — don’t just happen overnight.“These kids put so much time into their projects,” said the Chick

SHIIP ready to help with Medicare questions, concerns

 Let’s face it, Medicare is confusing.  It’s even more confusing when changes in the law occur.  Sometimes those changes are easy to understand.

Sheriff’s department hires new county deputy

 The Chickasaw County Sheriff’s Department just grew by one with the addition of Adam Hanson to the team. Hanson grew up in New Hampton and after acquiring his degree from Hawkeye Community College he took a position at the Nashua Police Departmen

Church shows ‘tangible’ love’ to Mikkelson Park

 Rick Kramer may have best summed up the work done by a local church group this past weekend at Mikkelson Park.The New Hampton Parks and Recreation director’s take on the painting of playground equipment by the members of Prairie Lakes Church?“It

Lawmakers take on water quality at an ‘academy’

 Some would say state lawmakers dropped the proverbial ball on water quality in 2015, but State Rep.

Turkey Valley shows mettle against Kee

 Just the fact that Turkey Valley scored any runs at all in a doubleheader against third-ranked Kee Monday was a bit of an improvement.The Hawks have pitched 17 shutouts this year, including a 10-0 victory over the Trojans two days earlier at the

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