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Area law enforcement encourage safe behavior this summer

The Chickasaw Connections coalition believes in promoting activities that support safe and healthy lifestyles in Chickasaw County. A key focus of the coalition involves preventing youth from underage drinking and the consequences that follow.

Massage therapist joins chiropractic office

Massages are more than a way to relax and forget the troubles of the day. Massage therapists help relieve headaches, muscles tension and many more health issues which plaque people.Nashua Family Chiropractic has a new Massage Therapist Jenny Fox.

Laurie Anne Behrends dies at 59

Laurie Anne Behrends, 59, of Arlington passed away peacefully, with her family at her side, on Tuesday July 12, 2016 at the Cedar Valley Hospice Home in Waterloo. Visitation will be from 4-7 p.m.

Sign welcomes visitors to Nashua

any groups, the welcome center sign is up and ready for all to enjoy!This has been a long process for Boy Scout Caleb Winters but well worth the time and effort it took for him to get this far.

Plainfield party

Plainfield Days 2016 was a huge hit for the town with fun for all ages.And this year’s celebration, which ran from Thursday through Sunday, was extra special as the city celebrated the 150th anniversary of its founding.“It’s really fun to see ever

Chickasaw County is offering free well testing

The Chickasaw County Environmental Health Office will be conducting free private residential well water testing throughout the summer months.This test is available through grant funding and has a value of up to $43 at no cost to the homeowner.If y

Northeast Iowa RC&D receives Sorp Award

Northeast Iowa RC&D was recently awarded the 2016 Project Excellence Award from the Society of Outdoor Recreation Professionals (SORP).

Chickasaws win ranked battle

Keegan Tenge knew he had hit the ball well Friday night, yet the New Hampton junior was still in for a surprise.“It felt great coming off the bat, and I figured it was going to bounce off the fence for a double,” he said.

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