You may have noticed some activity happening in the New Hampton downtown business recently known as the Boos and Straw Insurance Agency, but the building is now filled with students participating in the Iowa BIG North Program.The Iowa BIG program
New Hampton High School’s Athletic Hall of Fame will be welcoming four new members on Friday night as part of the school’s homecoming celebration.Those being inducted this year include John Andersen, Dan Boos, Sue Haugen Bravard and Gina Shannon
Melissa Nelson’s goal is pretty simple when it comes to New Hampton High School’s homecoming celebration this week.“We want the whole town involved,” said Nelson, the art teacher who serves as the advisor to the Student Senate that plans the annua
Considering the weather, New Hampton Airport Foundation member Jason Lahmann will call last weekend’s annual “Fly-In Breakfast” a win.On the plus side, almost 200 area residents took part in the breakfast, Foundation members sold quite a few fundr
This is not a job for the feint of heart or anyone who has any semblance of a fear of heights.For several days this week, work has been completed on the Trinity Lutheran Church steeple, and while the Rev.
The New Hampton Light Plant is working with SmartSource Consulting to look into creating a Community Broadband network that will be community-owned and fiber optic in New Hampton.Two town hall meetings and a lunch and learn have so far been held t
Turkey Valley High School will kick off a hectic homecoming week on Sunday with a community wide celebration on the school campus in Jackson Junction.The event begins at 4 p.m.
The new general manager of the New Hampton Tribune and Nashua Reporter is, in a word, excited about her latest assignment.“I can’t wait to get to know the community,” said Kim Bucknell, who began her duties last week.
With Ken Raising nearing retirement, the Chickasaw County Board of Supervisors and Board of Health met to discuss the Environmental Health Director position that will soon be vacated.The two boards needed to come to a consensus on a variety of top
The Dollar General Literacy Foundation recently awarded Nashua Public Library a $2,000 grant to support youth literacy. This local grant is part of $4.5 million in youth literacy grants awarded to approximately 1,000 organizations across the 43 s
Summer has now officially ended with school in session, Labor Day over, the temperatures falling in the evening and the Townhouse hosting the End of Summer Party.Many came out who wanted to join together as a community and enjoy one of the last ni
The weather was a concern for event coordinators on Friday but it turned out to be a beautiful day to show off classic cars Saturday at the 2016 Car Show for Rustic Hollow Shelter-A Special Needs Feline Sanctuary.
The positive on Saturday is that families had a blast running together.The downside was there were fewer of them taking part in the annual New Hampton Industrial Park Color Run.About 70 participants took part in the 5K run and walk, which was abou