Trojans remain unbeaten against UIC squads

After Thursday’s 62-50 win over North Fayette Valley, Turkey Valley’s boys have met all of the opponents in the Upper Iowa Conference.
And defeated them all.
The holiday break was probably good for the team, but it was time to end. “I thought we had great practices over break and got a lot better but we needed to get into live competition,” said coach Chris Sullivan. “I thought we had moments of greatness tonight and then moments where we weren’t totally locked in.”
The TigerHawks — who came into the night with a 2-5 record — played all juniors and seniors, while Turkey Valley started three sophomores. After a close first quarter, in which the Trojans led 13-12, the second quarter went a long way to the win with a 24-8 TV advantage.
--For the full story, please see the Jan. 9 Tribune.