County to keep same insurance percentages

IGHCP insurance representatives Denise Ballard and Cindy Allen met with the Chickasaw County Board of Supervisors to provide their recommendation for the county’s insurance plan for the 2017-18 year.County officials still wanted an answer to the cost share percentages from the board and whether the percentages would be staying the same or if the board planned to change them.Currently, the county pays 95 percent of the insurance premium for a employee’s single plan and 75 percent for an employee’s family plan.And after a lengthy discussion with its insurance representatives on Monday, the board voted 4-1 — with Chairman Tim Zoll casting the lone dissenting vote — keep the percentages the same for the 2017-18 budget year that begins on July 1.Ballard reviewed with supervisors previous discussion they have had about the insurance issues.Looking at the demographics of the employees, Ballard said there really is no change in what the information does to the numbers.“Age demographic has gone down a lot in the last few years,” said Ballard. “But that doesn't change much.”Fpr the complete story see the 4/14/2017 New Hampton Tribune.