Chaplain: The mission is never over for veterans

Pastor Lance Kittleson told a few great jokes Thursday night that had the folks gathered for Alta Vista’s Veterans Day program in stitches at times.But the underlying message of the observance’s guest speaker was deadly serious.He reminded the veterans in the crowd that it doesn’t matter how long they’ve been out of the service, they still have a duty to perform.“You have such a life-changing experience,” he said, “that no matter how understanding they are, your loved ones just can’t understand what you’ve gone through.”He paused for a moment and looked up.“That’s why the American Legions, the VFWs started,” he said. “What you have gone through only another solider or a sailor or an airman can understand. You have to be there for your fellow veterans.”For 35 years, Kittleson served as a chaplain in either the Iowa National Guard, the Army Reserves and the U.S. Army, and he was twice deployed to Iraq.For the complete story see the 11/15/2016 New Hampton Tribune.