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Nashua-Plainfield students take ‘pledge’ to stay in school

Lead Summary

“Believe in you, graduate” was the message from Principal Scott Striegel on Friday afternoon when the grades 7-9 met in the gym to make a promise to themselves.Iowa’s graduation rate has increased in recent years to 90.8 percent. Dropping out of high school is not as common as it once was and most jobs require a high school diploma in today’s society.Many employers look to see if applicants received a high school diploma or currently working their way through high school.Good habits and bad habits can follow a student all the way through school and now the banners will follow each class throughout their high school careers.The banners will be placed above their lockers for students to be reminded about the promise they made not to their teachers, parents or principal but to themselves.This was the first annual signing of the banners which the school will continue through the years and with 140 students signing the banners it was a win/win for the students and the school district.
For more of this article, see Thursday's Nashua Reporter. 

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