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For now, Nashua city leadership is in flux

Nashua’s road to hiring a city administrator recently hit a speed bump, and now the city is also without a city clerk.

Diamond rebound

   Zach Wemark executed the game plan to perfection Friday night.  “I’m just trying to hit it where it’s pitched and hit it hard,” the New Hampton senior said after scorching two triples in a 4-3 win that gave the Chickasaws a Northeast Iowa Confe

New Hampton’s Heartland Days comes with a few changes this year

If it’s Heartland Days week — and it is — then Jason Speltz is keeping one eye on the sky and the other on New Hampton’s big town celebration.

Residents get a chance to travel back in time during Classic Night event

The first Classic Night of the summer was held Thursday night in conjunction with Relay For Life. 
Cars, tractors and more lined Main Street to be viewed and voted on by attendees. 

Relay for Life raises more than $31,000 for American Cancer Society

This year’s Relay For Life event has raised $31,000 and counting for the American Cancer Society.
The event was held in conjunction with the New Hampton Classic Night that was held on Main Street with Relay For Life on Walnut Avenue.

Alta Vista Days delivers a heck of a good time

Alta Vista celebrated Saturday — well, actually the whole weekend — with Alta Vista Days that included a parade, children's activities, live music and a softball tournament.

So that’s what summer feels like

Well, hello, summer.
At least that was the thought a lot of us had this past weekend as temperatures reached 90 for the first time on Saturday.

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