Writers Workshop to be held at Northeast Iowa Welcome Center

The Cedar Falls Christian Writing Club, and the Osage Alpha Writers’ Club will be co-sponsoring a mini-writers workshop on Saturday Oct. 8, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., in the basement of the North East Iowa Welcome Center in Nahua. The workshop, which is open to other writing groups and area writers will cost $7 at the door, and attendees will be required to supply their own noon meal.The program for the event will include half-hour mock meetings presented by each club, to demonstrate how writing groups function differently and more.Attendees are to bring a notebook and pen, warm clothing for the nature experience, and a sack lunch. Participants can opt to join others for pizza at lunch, which will be an additional $6. For more information regarding the writing workshop call Sue at 319-277-0295 or Steve at 641-732-4124.