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Turkey Valley ‘scaled-down’ homecoming set for this week

Lead Summary

Maybe the first clue that something is different about Turkey Valley’s homecoming celebration this year was the deserted school campus Sunday afternoon.
But at least there will be a homecoming celebration at the Jackson Junction school.
It just didn’t start off with the annual community celebration Sunday, which was called off because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The traditional Thursday afternoon pep assembly where the homecoming king is usually crowned.
So, too, is the homecoming dance that normally would have been held after the Friday night football game.
Still, Turkey Valley students and staff will make the best of a very COVID-like homecoming celebration.
They’ll still have dress-up days, they’ll still play that football game, and they’ll crown their homecoming royalty.
Both the kind and the queen will be crowned during halftime of Turkey Valley’s game Friday evening against Northwood-Kensett.
Queen candidates include Klyie Wurzer, Aleah Hackman and Sophia Adams while the king candidates are Cael Wickham, Dani Tinajero and Kalvin Langreck.
— For more on Tukey Valley homecoming, see the Sept. 22 Tribune

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