Tupper ready for run at national FFA office

No matter what happens in Indianapolis next week, Michael Tupper knows this odyssey was worth it.The 2014 New Hampton High School graduate and 2015-16 state FFA president is running for one of nine national FFA officer positions, and he has spent months preparing for the grueling election process that takes place at the National FFA contest.“There’s a lot that goes into it, and it’s not an election where you make your pitch, they count the votes and announce the winners,” Tupper said. “It’s a lot of interviews, speeches and thinks like that, and it’s more of a selection process than an election.”So Tupper, who attends Iowa State University and is working an internship with Kinze Manufacturing in Williamsburg, has been preparing with the help of his FFA state officer team, friends and family.For the complete story see the 10/14/2016 New Hampton Tribune.