Tribune set to honor veterans on ‘their day’

The New Hampton Tribune will once again honor area veterans during Veterans Day week with a commemorative special section.Tribune General Manager Kim Bucknell announced recently that the newspaper would once again publish its Veterans Day Commemorative Edition that includes an honor roll of all veterans — both living and deceased — from Chickasaw County.The first Veterans Day Commemorative Edition was published a year ago, and anyone who would like to add names to the “Veterans Honor Roll,” can fill out the form that appears on Page 11 of this edition of the Tribune.“We received great feedback from our section a year ago,” Bucknell said of the publication that will be inserted into the Nov. 9 Tribune, “and we feel that during the week of Veterans Day, it's important to honor all of those from Chickasaw County who have served their country.For the complete story see the 10/14/2016 New Hampton Tribune.