Tough sledding

Let’s put it this way: The Nashua-Plainfield cross country team does itself no favors when it comes to its annual home meet.“Our course is pretty challenging,” Nashua-Plainfield coach Jen Kalainoff said, “and then throw in the fact that we have 3A schools like Charles City and Waverly-Shell Rock in the field and it’s a tough meet for us.”So she wasn’t overly concerned that her Huskies finished far down the team standings as the boys took seventh and the girls finished eighth.“Honestly, I told the girls that we’re just going to forget about this one and move on,” Kalainoff said, “but the boys ran some really nice times, especially considering our course, and I was pretty pleased with how they performed.”As he has done all season, Brock Dietz led the boys with a 14th-place finish in a time of 18:34.70 while Caleb Lines and Luke Cerwinske finished 36-37 and both almost broke 20 minutes.For all of the N-P results, please see the Sept. 29 Reporter.