Supervisors talk through issues arising at Munson Park

Work continues at Adolph Munson Park as the Chickasaw County Board of Supervisors look to find homes for the many artifacts located at the park.Chickasaw County entities including the Old Bradford Pioneer Museum, Carnegie Cultural Center and the Chickasaw County Conservation Board had a meeting at the park, which is located about 7.5 miles northeast of New Hampton, last week to look through the buildings and take what each entity wanted, with the board’s approval, of course.The group agreed that the “big thing” is keeping all the artifacts protected from weather elements right now.“As a member of the task force I see the need to get the stuff out of there,” said Supervisor Rick Holthaus.Upon going through the artifacts, however, there was a misunderstanding with what the entities thought they could and could not take from the park.The board reiterated that they want the different county historical entities to take any paper and clothing items that they want from the buildings at Munson Park.They had agreed that these items shouldn’t be kept at the park for another winter, making them deteriorate any more.For the complete story see the 10/14/2016 New Hampton Tribune.