Study provides key for housing

As New Hampton tackled what many are calling its “housing crisis,” the city’s Economic Development director knew that money had to be spent.
“I think as we’ve met, we all agree we have an issue with housing,” said Tammy Robinson, “but we also aren’t quite sure what we really need to do.”
Some believe the city needs more “senior housing” to open up homes to younger families. Some believe the city needs developers to build new single-family homes, but they can’t quite agree on what kind of homes or how expensive they should be.
So city leaders have decided to contact with the Iowa Northland Regional Council of Governments (INRCOG) to conduct a housing needs assessment for the city.
The City Council last week voted to approve the $10,000 contract that will have the city’s Economic Development Office pay $2,000 of the cost with a $2,000 grant from Black Hills Energy and the Industrial Development Corporation picking up the rest of the tab.
— For more on this story, see the July 11 Tribune