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Retired admiral makes his presidential pitch

Lead Summary

Joe Sestak’s pitch is simple when it comes to running for the Democratic presidential nomination: He knows how to win in Republican country.
The former three-star Navy admiral made a stop in New Hampton last week and touted his global experience, his ideas and his ability to reach across party lines during a meeting with Chickasaw County Democrats at the Pub at the Pincion that was dubbed “Pints and Politics.”
“I won twice in a district that was 2-1 Republican,” he said, “and when I was in Congress, I was called the ‘most effective member’ of our class because we were able to pass 19 of my bills. And how did we do that? Because they were bipartisan bills, and we need a whole lot more of that in Washington right now.”
For more on this story see the July 23 Tribune.

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