Quilter finds joy in all aspects of art

Jean Lowe, of New Hampton, has been quilting now for about 38 years with no sign of stopping as she turned 90 this year.Lowe said she first began quilting on her own in the 70s. She remembers being 8 or 9 years old visiting her aunt and grandma during one of their quilting sessions and hearing her grandmother say she could sew to.She began with embroidering at the age of 13 years old. She embroidered blocks that she later used in a quilt that she still uses to this day.Lowe has also been hand quilting for many years now but does take her quilts to be quilted but professionals as well.“It started as my night work when my husband would be gone,” said Lowe. “I now work on it anytime!”She is proud to say she has given close to 35 quilts away throughout the years,“I have documented and taken pictures of all the quilts I have made and kept a book of the patterns I have used,” said Lowe.For the complete story see the 10/4/2016 New Hampton Tribune.