A passing grade

Before each cross country meet, the Chickasaw runners discuss their goals for the meet with coach Jamie Quass. This year, instead of competing in the Cedar Falls meet, the team went to Osage, running at the Mitchell County Nature Center Tuesday. “I LOVE THE OSAGE MEET!!!” exclaimed the coach. “My team did extremely well last night and I couldn't be more proud! We had many season bests and a few PRs and I'm proud to say that 11 out of 19 runners shattered their goal.” There were 10 teams competing in the varsity boys’ race with the Chickasaws in fifth place, while the girls were seventh of 12 schools there. New Hampton was short a couple of runners as Danny Hammel and Jayden Usher did not run due to injuries. Jake Usher and Nolan Usher both medaled for the NH boys; Jake with a third-place finish of 74 runners and Nolan in fifth place. Jake was running his best time of the year, Nolan’s time, to the second, equalled his fastest time of a year ago, but he’s already cut time on that in his first meet this year at Mason City. “Jake was determined to stay ahead of Nolan and he did..this time! He ran with Michael Mashek of Cresco the entire race, but Michael pulled away after the two mile.For all of the New Hampton results, please see the Sept. 16 Tribune.