Over the years, Steve Geerts figures more than 100 New Hampton schoolchildren have experienced a “special ride” to school.And the longtime New Hampton fire chief figures all those kids have deserved all those rides because they’ve helped educate t
A half a country, they gathered to raise money for a great cause and to remember a man many of them had never met.They boarded a cruise boat in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., and they thought of a man who had loved New Hampton and Chickasaw County with al
Pumpkins, carriage rides, face painting and more took place on Sunday when the Women of Fredericksburg (WOF) held their annual Pumpkin Fest in Fredericksburg.Residents from all over the county joined in the fun by stopping by the Fredericksburg Fi
The bad news if you’re a New Hampton resident or business is you’re sewer bill is going up.The good news is, at least compared to several area cities, that bill could be far worse.The New Hampton City Council approved the third reading of an ordin
The ordinance that will not die remains very much alive after Monday night’s City Council meeting.Council members approved the first reading of an ordinance that would allow golf carts and utility vehicles to be on most city streets — state law wi
Heather Harms and her husband, Nathan, may be the new doctors at Mercy Medical Center-New Hampton, but in a way, she’s a DOCS for Hope veteran.After all, she first went to Guatemala when she was 12 years old, and in recent years, she’s made the tr
Bags — as in the garbage variety — won in a rout Monday night at the New Hampton City Council meeting.Council members voted 6-0 to award a five-year garbage contract to its current vendor, Jendro Sanitation, and to stick with the “bag” system inst
Sinkholes are becoming a problem for homeowners Pat and Richard Crooks on Lakeshore Drive.Although work was done to try to fix the issue after the 2008 floods, last month’s torrential rainfall caused more problems.The Crookses told the City Counci
zWe’ve all seen it before, the stories in the big newspapers how a loss on the football field means a school’s homecoming was spoiled.And while Nashua-Plainfield would have loved to cap a spirited homecoming week with a win over West Fork Friday n
The Cedar Falls Christian Writing Club, and the Osage Alpha Writers’ Club will be co-sponsoring a mini-writers workshop on Saturday Oct. 8, from 10 a.m.
A local American Legion commander is using an iconic poster to hopefully attract some new members to Fae Stine Post 38.October is National Legion Membership Drive Month, and legion commanders are using the Uncle Sam “I Want You” poster to attract
Chickasaw County officials breathed a sigh of relief last week when they learned that the county had received a presidential disaster declaration for the flooding that occurred on Aug.
The State Library of Iowa has announced that the Upham Memorial Library has met the conditions for state accreditation as outlined in “In Service to Iowa: Public Library Standards Sixth Edition.”Achieving accreditation requires a significant, ongo