New store comes to Nashua’s Main Street

Twelve years ago when Tom and Sue Bussey bought the old Gambles store on Main Street in Nashua, their dream was simple: to open an antique and primitives shop that featured Tom’s hand made furniture. “With Tom and I still working full time it was hard to make time to make it a reality.” Now, both retired, they enjoy going to auctions and started collecting items that would be sold in their store on Main Street. Tom & Sue’s, as their new business is called, had a successful opening day. That is if success is measured by the number of people walking through their door. It’s obvious that many folks love this kind of a store. When they purchased the property the actual store was in pretty good shape. Tom had his workshop in the back and they cleaned up the front to have as the actual store. With the store being on Main Street it has some history. It was built in 1880. It was used as a ballroom for many years. Sue said people just love the bow windows in the second story. Tom has looked into grants to renovate the second floor but even the grants available are still very costly to the owners. “The one grant we found was a matching grant. Meaning any amount of money we would get, we would have to match it. It just hasn’t been feasible at this time.” The Bussey’s are in the process of replacing the roof at this time. Sue would like to offer more of Tom’s work but explained that it takes quite a while to handcraft his beautiful furniture. They did have several of his pieces available opening day. Tom & Sue’s will be open again on Sept, 9 and 10, Nov. 11 and 12 and Dec. 2 and 3. October dates are to be determined. Tom & Sue’s store is located at 219 Main Street, Nashua.