New Hampton ready for the golf postseason

New Hampton’s girls will compete in a 3A regional and the boys in a 2A sectional when the postseason golf season begins next week for the boys and the week after for the girls. The boys have an advantage of starting their quest for a trip to the state tourney at home. Next Friday, May 12, the Chickasaws will host Denver, MFL, North Fayette Valley, Osage, South Winn, Sumner-Fredericksburg and Waukon starting at 10 a.m. New Hampton has defeated most of those teams — pretty handily, in fact — with the exception of MFL and Osage, whom they have not met. The top two teams from each sectional will advance, unless the host team is one of them, then three teams will advance to the district meet; the same applies from the district to the state meet. For the Chickasaws, should they advance, the district meet would be held Friday, May 19 at Fox Ridge Golf Club and will be hosted by Dike-New Hartford, with the best golfers from three sectionals at the district. The process for individual qualifiers from Sectional to District to State has changed for 2017. For the full story, please see the May 5 Tribune.