Museum to hold Spooky Village this Saturday

Kids of all ages have been waiting and now it is back by popular demand.The Old Bradford Pioneer Museum’s Spooky Village will be opening again this year on Oct. 22 and the museum will be transformed from a pioneer village to a pretty cool haunted house, or shall we say houses.The museum will be holding two sessions and the first one will begin at 3 p.m., which will be for the faint of heart but with lots of thrills, candy and activities for the children. The second session will begin at 7 p.m. for the ones who want to see the frights and scares around every corner.The children will be able to walk around the village area and see it as it might have been back in the day.Smith Cabin and the Schoolhouse are just a few stops along the way which will be decorated to scare.For the complete story see the 10/20/2016 Nashua Reporter.