Mucho winter packed into a week

Maybe this says it best when it comes to the so-called “Polar Vortex” that gave area residents a look at life in a deep freeze this week.On Wednesday, when the temperature reached 16 below around 3 p.m., we actually said to ourselves, “Hey, it’s warmer than they said it was going to be.”Yep, we celebrated 16 below.All joking aside, it’s been a week of winter extremes — starting with a 6-inch snowfall that felt like much more overnight on Sunday and continuing with plummeting temperatures that saw us here in New Hampton bottom out at 29 below on Wednesday morning and 31 below on Thursday.Our kids days missed four days of school, the mail wasn’t delivered on Wednesday, businesses closed their doors and our county roads went a couple of days without being plowed.— For more on this story, see the Feb. 1 New Hampton Tribune.