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Hospital has its own jack of all trades

ennis Collins couldn’t help but laugh when asked about his extended career as a maintenance mechanic and plant operations employee at Mercy Medical Center-New Hampton.

Veterans Affairs will have new director soon

It’s taken a while but the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel is that a new Chickasaw County veterans affairs director will be in place this coming Monday.

Mother Nature's fury

A powerful thunderstorm packing winds of 70 miles per hour blasted Chickasaw County late Wednesday afternoon and left hundreds of residents without power.

Volunteers paddle to clean rivers

The hunt for trash continued this past week as volunteers embarked on the last leg of Project AWARE’s 2017 route along the upper Cedar River.

Feeling the pull noise!

Ed Anderson, his son and two of his grandchildren walked behind the stands and checked out the tractors and trucks Friday night.

Crowning leaves fair queen stunned

Bailey Schinker wanted to be Chickasaw County’s fair queen, but she may have been the most shocked person on the Big Four Fairgrounds Sunday night when her name was announced.

Bad news kids, summer’s flying by

It’s a simple equation — 44 > 40 — and it’s bad news for New Hampton Community Schools students.
You see, their summer is more than half over.

At the fair, there’s much more than just livestock

Sam Hake carefully listened to the judge, and one could almost see he was taking mental notes on how to improve his woodworking project next year.

Area residents bid farewell to inspiring teen

Tears and laughs. Favorite memories shared. A community coming together in love and caring and support.

Eagle Scout project is dedicated

Boy Scout Levi Williamson has become one of the elite who have finished his Eagle Scout project for their community. 
He joins over 2.5 million young men who have earned their Eagle Scout ranking over the last 100 years.

N-P students, sorry to tell you, summer’s half over

We’re not quite sure how to break this to the students of Nashua-Plainfield Community Schools, so we’ll just come out and say it: Your summer vacation is now half over.

Study provides key for housing

As New Hampton tackled what many are calling its “housing crisis,” the city’s Economic Development director knew that money had to be spent.

RAGBRAI riders will have neat ‘photo op’

The Carnegie Cultural Center’s Lego Club has been a hit almost from the day it first met several years ago.

Annual pull has become a family affair

All was relatively quiet last Thursday at the track that will host the Kenwood Avenue Nationals this upcoming weekend.

Plum Creek artists love ‘relaxed’ festival

Two snapshots from the Plum Creek Arts Festival may say it all when it comes to the quaint little festival that has become a rite of July in Fredericksburg.

Bug’s life

Although young attentions wavered from time to time, one boy in particular was listening intently to Iowa State University entomology students Jillian Kurovski and Emily Gamble.

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