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Libraries get plenty of support

The Chickasaw County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved the county budget for fiscal year 2018-19 at its weekly meeting on Monday, but not before getting an earful from the public about the importance of public libraries.

Garbage a hot topic at council meeting

It may have been a raw and snowy night, but that didn’t stop a big crowd from descending upon City Hall Monday night.

Supervisors OK budget, tax levy

The Chickasaw County Board of Supervisors approved the county budget for fiscal year 2018-19 at the meeting Monday after a public hearing.
As part of the budget, supervisors approved slight increases to the tax levy rate.

Nashua City Council loses another member

The rumors that a member of the Nashua City Council member was moving out of town became a reality Monday night when Ryan Jung submitted his resignation during a regularly scheduled council meeting.

N-P speech team shines at district meet

ix Nashua-Plainfield High School students will head to the individuals state contest on Saturday after earning Division I ratings at the district contest that was held on Feb. 24 at North Butler High School.

Speeding ticket leads to inspiring story

Ed Cockrell’s Paralympics story is a good one, but how he came to share it with a couple of New Hampton service clubs might be even better.

Quilters love sharing that takes place at retreat

When the winter weather starts to get you down, an option for some people is to hop on a plane and head to …
New Hampton, Iowa?
Well, maybe, if you’re a quilter.

Speech Stars!

The speech team members had just answered the question “why speech?”

Governor, superintendent take school threats seriously

Reports of threats to schools have flooded law enforcement throughout the country in the days and weeks since a tragic shooting at a Parkland, Fla. school left 17 people dead last month.

Speech team shines at district contest

To say New Hampton had a good day at Saturday’s district individual speech contest is, well, an understatement.

Lending A Voice

“Please keep our stories alive,” pleaded New Hampton eighth-grader A.J. Vetter, near the conclusion of her remarkably moving speech. “Please let these stories be heard.”
There wasn’t a dry eye in the house.

Volunteer surprised by volunteer award

As Brian Quirk met with New Horizons-Chamber’s Jason Speltz and Theresa Rasmussen Monday morning, he noticed more and more cars pulling into the New Hampton Municipal Light Plant parking lot.

Supervisors get vets audit update

Chickasaw County Attorney Jennifer Schwickerath said Monday that although there were several mistakes made related to the hiring of a veterans affairs commissioner last spring, there was little damage done and no malicious intent. 

Nashua native leads the fight against Crohn's Disease

Dr. Allan Dietz credits much of the success he has had in the medical field with his upbringing in Nashua.

Radio host learns on the fly

Maybe it’s a good thing Jason Rude is a history teacher; after all, he’s had to do his share of research over the years and that experience has paid off when it comes to the radio show, “The Sports Zone with Jason Rude,” he hosts on the New Hampto

School calendar may have different look

The two most often-used words spoken by New Hampton Superintendent Jay Jurrens last week may have been “first draft.”

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