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One vote really can matter

Remember sitting in those civics classes back in the day and the teacher telling you that every vote mattered when it came to election time?

Artist to bring eclectic work to Carnegie Cultural Center

The Carnegie Cultural Center in New Hampton will unveil its latest exhbit — one featuring the eclectic, retrospective collection of watercolor and oil paintings by an area artist who has been around for a long time — at the beginning of next month

Little Elma garners big attention

Headed north just across the Chickasaw County line, a stone’s throw into Howard County, you’ll come into the town of Elma. 
At first glance, you might think you’ve stumbled into nowhere.

Hot time on the ice

A few dozen men and women and boys and girls arrived at Airport Lake west of New Hampton Sunday morning, drilled some holes in the ice, and tried their luck.

Speech team shines at district contest

New Hampton High School large group speech coach Johnny Connor couldn’t help himself Saturday afternoon.

Dietz, Kelleher win Nashua City Council seats

A familiar face will return to the City Council next week, but if there was a lesson in  Tuesday’s special election, it was every vote really does count.

New Hampton music students going to Disneyworld

New Hampton High School music students could have a very memorable J-Term in 2019, thanks to a School Board decision last week.

School board keeps working during lull

There might be a lull when it comes to New Hampton Community Schools’ construction project, but the School Board last week crossed two more items off its list as it approved heating/cooling controls for the new building and also awarded the carpet

DCI identifies man killed by police after standoff

The Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation has identified the subject involved in an incident on the Avenue of Saints Wednesday evening.

Supervisors express their concerns about salaries

The Chickasaw County Board of Supervisors crunched numbers and talked budgets in meetings Monday and Tuesday, agreeing in principal to double the money the county allocates to the Northeast Iowa Community Action Partnership (NEIA) on Tuesday, then

City Council gets good news with annual audit

The New Hampton City Council heard from representatives from Hacker/Nelson regarding the annual audit for 2016/17 at the regular meeting on Monday.

Showing off J-Term

PHOTO: New Hampton High School’s gym was filled Wednesday evening with students, parents and community members for a “Showcase Night” to show what students and staff did during the school’s J-Term.

Mercy keeping close eye on flu

Chickasaw County has been spared the worst of an influenza outbreak, but area health officials say they are keeping a close eye on the situation.

Taking it all in!


Moonshine Tap ready to roll

Tammy Drew wants the Moonshine Tap in North Washington to be the kind of place where everyone knows your name.

Nashua voters go to the polls Tuesday

It’s the third week in January, and the Nashua City Council has yet to hold a meeting, but voters in the city will take care of that issue on Tuesday when they return to the voting booth to elect two new City Council members.

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