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Chickasaw County 4-Hers participate in Clothing and Communication Day

Twenty-five youth from Chickasaw County participated in the Annual Chickasaw County Clothing and Communications day on April 2nd at the United Methodist Church in New Hampton.

Holschlag Bin Sales honored by Sukup Manufacturing Co.

Holschlag Bin Sales has been recognized by Sukup Manufacturing Co. for outstanding sales and customer service for 2017.

Students accept the Chickasaw Challenge

Ask Sarah Updegraff her thoughts on how New Hampton High School’s Chickasaw Challenge went last week, and the tone of voice says it all.“I was serious when I told the girls in my class,” the school’s principal said, “that is by far the best two da

It turns out there’s nothing to worry about

Want stress?Try planning an Easter Egg Hunt when the forecast is, in a word, awful.It turned out all the worrying the New Hampton Women of Today went through was for naught as their annual event at Mikkelson Park stayed remarkably dry.“My husband

Galloping along!

From his perch on his saddle early Friday morning, Clint McRoberts could look to the north and see Minnesota.But on this day — as on all Good Fridays for the past 50 years — the ride pointed south.Leo Deutsch sat in his van and smiled.“I don’t kno

Sups fashion plan to hire new examiner

The Chickasaw County Board of Supervisors have heard from its insurance company and decided during a Friday morning meeting to begin advertising for a medical examiner investigator position.This has been discussed since the retirement of previous

Veterans position remains in limbo

After a discussion with county veterans the Veterans Affairs Commission has decided to reopen applications for the Veterans Affairs Director position.Veterans Affairs Commissioner Jim Geerts said the veterans have spoken and want a five-member com

County to keep same insurance percentages

IGHCP insurance representatives Denise Ballard and Cindy Allen met with the Chickasaw County Board of Supervisors to provide their recommendation for the county’s insurance plan for the 2017-18 year.County officials still wanted an answer to the c

Hitting the right notes

Sydney Lau and Will Throndson, save for a drum set not fitting through a doorway, had an almost perfect day at the recent state solo and ensemble contest.Their fellow New Hampton High School Concert Band member, Bethany Zenk, was simply flawless.Z

Farmers will start ahead of the curve

Terry Basol laughed as he talked about that one farmer who always wants to be the first one planting in the spring.“There’s always that one guy in the neighborhood,” the ISU Extension agronomist based out of Nashua said.

Pony Express Day!

New Hampton Mayor Deb Larsen poses with Pony Express representative Pam Lore after declaring today [Friday] as Pony Express Day in the city.

Nashua Boy Scout holds fundraiser for project

There was plenty of food last Sunday morning for the Eagle Scout Breakfast Fundraiser in Plainfield and many came out to support the project.Nashua-Plainfield Boy Scout Levi Williamson held a fundraiser to purchase and install a flag pole in front

Pair of N-P Elementary students battle bullying

Unfortunately bullying is something that takes place in every school across the country, but at Nashua-Plainfield Elementary School, two third-graders — Alison Mehmen and Paisley McCain — are taking on the issue.The two young girls decided that if

Fighting with faith

Those who know Troy and Carrie Tysdahl probably aren’t surprised that their youngest son is a “fighter.”And they’ll probably be even less surprised that the birth of little Knox Myron Tysdahl has brought their tight-knit family even closer.For fou

Council proposing budget that includes levy rate drop

Nashua’s mayor wants the City Council to roll up its sleeves and get to work on fixing the city’s budget problems.“We have a lot of work to do,” said Mayor Angie Dietz, who said the city must get a handle on its budget problems.

Sheriff’s Office gets new deputy

The Chickasaw County Sheriff’s Office welcomes Scott Egemo as their new deputy sheriff.Egemo comes from the Elkader Police Department after receiving his degree from the University of Northern Iowa.He has completed his time at the academy and whil

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