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Nashua honors those that gave the ultimate sacrifice with Memorial Day ceremonies

By Kelly Terpstra

Of the Reporter

Talk to a veteran – they won’t be here forever. 

Perhaps the greatest history lesson one could ever learn from is that of a living, breathing soldier. 

Memorial Day flag lesson

By Bob Fenske

Short and sweet … yet so poignant.

Little Miss Heartland pageant to have band shell full of candidates

By Bob Fenske

Being a Little Miss Heartland Days contestant is not for the faint of heart or for those who aren’t go-getters.

Despite Friday's 'spotty' rain, drought concerns grow

By Bob Fenske

This was spotty with a capital S.

Chickasaw County BOS votes 3-2 to approve option to buy property to house EMS

By Kelly Terpstra

Update: Cresco man drowns at Airport Lake Park in New Hampton

By Kelly Terpstra

The Memorial Day weekend turned tragic Monday afternoon when a Cresco man died from drowning at Airport Lake Park.

Campgrounds full for what looks like a perfect Memorial Day weekend

By Bob Fenske

It’s almost as if Chickasaw County Conservation Board Director Chad Humpal drew up the weekend forecast; after all, it is, in a word, perfect for camping.

County will move ahead with third ambulance despite objections

By Bob Fenske

Nashua-Plainfield High School seniors celebrate commencement

Nashua-Plainfield High School celebrated its commencement ceremony on Sunday. 

Thirty-five graduating N-P seniors walked down the aisle to receive their diplomas. 

Garret Rinken and Luca Mueller gave the commencement address. 

Pictures from Sunday's commencement ceremony at New Hampton High

Eighty-eight young men and women walked into New Hampton High School's competition gymnasium on Sunday afternoon as seniors.

Mother Nature gives area farmers a nice assist during planting season

By Bob Fenske

Of the Reporter

It may not be completely done, but ask ISU Extension agronomist Terry Basil how his territory’s farmers are feeling right now and he’ll have a one word answer.


Supervisors buy third ambulance

By Bob Fenske

Cemetery Commission wouldn't mind a dash of 'youth'

By Bob Fenske

A little melancholy on graduation, but it's a good melancholy

The date was Aug. 18, 2010. It was a cool but muggy Wednesday morning as hundreds of New Hampton Elementary School students — many with their parents in tow — headed to the old building on Main and Linn to start another school year.

City Council approves funding for housing rehab in New Hampton

By Bob Fenske

New Hampton, Turkey Valley beat the 'teacher shortage' ... for 2023-24 at least

By Bob Fenske

New Hampton Community Schools’ top administrator is grateful that he won’t have to experience a particular kind of deja vu this summer.

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