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EMS interviews will be ‘private’

Chickasaw County leaders and residents should know the results of an ambulance feasibility study by sometime in June, the Chickasaw County Board of Supervisors learned during a meeting Monday.

New Hampton gets invite from the UIC

The merger between the Northeast Iowa Conference and the Upper Iowa Conference may be dead on arrival, especially after the latter extended invitations to 10 schools, including three from the NEIC.

Mikkelson ballpark lands Diamond of the Year Award

By Bob Fenske

Supervisors express frustration over Nashua decision to reduce hours in law enforcement contract

By Bob Fenske and Kelly Terpstra

Of the Tribune

Breitbach ekes out win by two votes in special election

EDITOR’S NOTE: This is an updated version of a story that will appear in the March 3 Tribune.

City will move forward to collect on snow tickets

By Kelly Terpstra

Of the Reporter

Nashua to reduce sheriff hours

By Kelly Terpstra

Of the Reporter

One of biggest votes yet for the new Nashua City Council took place at Monday’s meeting.

Supervisors to hold 2022-23 budget, tax levy hearing on March 14

By Bob Fenske

Spring didn’t stick around very long

By Bob Fenske

From an absolutely beautiful 48-degree Sunday to a no-school day on Tuesday, Iowa weather showed just how fickle it can be.

School Board faces choice with tax levy

By Bob Fenske

The New Hampton School Board has some decisions to make in the next month as it prepares to certify its 2022-23 budget and tax levy.

‘Birthday store’ to lead parade

By Bob Fenske

Dancing the night away!

By Bob Fenske

Ambulance study moves up

By Bob Fenske

Wonderful Winterfest!

By Dorothy Huber

Nashua applies for CDBG grant to help with Greeley St. Project

By Kelly Terpstra

Of the Reporter

A $2.3 million street improvement project may get a financial boost if federal funds are allocated to the city of Nashua to fix storm water issues on Greeley Street.

Special election draws crowd of candidates

By Bob Fenske

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