High school band performs at contest

The Nashua-Plainfield High School band got up early on Saturday morning to head to Dubuque Senior High School for State Marching Band contest. The band students all showed up on time and no one had to be called or picked up on the way.The band performed at 9:15 a.m. at Dalzell Field along with 16 other bands from the area. The band students had the opportunity to watch many of the other bands perform throughout the day.The Marching Huskies were lead by Drum Major Brittany Bendickson while performing “The Music of John Williams.” Superman Opener, Raiders March, The Forest Battle (from Star Wars) and Star Wars (Main Theme) were performed for the contest.Students started practice in August with their annual band camp week and many early morning practices since school has begun but in the end it all paid off when they walked away with their Division I rating.“I am very proud of the Marching Huskies for receiving their Division I Rating,” said Band Director Scott Stroud. “It was well deserved! We had quite a few sports injuries throughout the season and we lost three rehearsals due to the floods. The band did not let these things distract them from their end goals. I couldn’t have asked for a better team of students to work with!”Friday evening the Nashua-Plainfield football team will host Newman Catholic which will be the Marching Huskies final performance. Come out for the half time show and cheer on the band students who did so well throughout their season.For the complete story see the 10/13/2016 Nashua Reporter.