Game for the ages

As the members of the Nashua-Plainfield baseball team slowly way made their way to their parents, family and friends, suddenly the dozens of fans erupted.They cheered, they clapped and they hooted for their Huskies last Thursday night.Yes, Nashua-Plainfield had lost. Yes, the Huskies’ season had ended, cruelly I might add. Yes, the pain, not to mention the tears, were plainly evident.But maybe we should put a checkmark by July 14, 2016. Maybe, just maybe, years from now, we’ll point to that beautiful summer evening in Hudson as the launching pad for Nashua-Plainfield baseball.The scorebook recorded it as a 4-3 Don Bosco victory, but that was no loss for Nashua-Plainfield. That was a statement. “Hey, we belong.”And it epitomized the beauty of high school sports.Second-ranked Don Bosco came into the game with a 31-4 record and was unbeaten against Class 1A opponents.The Huskies, meanwhile, were 13-15, and the so-called baseball experts figured the Dons would roll. None of those so-called experts though were in the Nashua-Plainfield dugout.For the full story, please see the July 21 Reporter.