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Former N-P athlete giving back to coach

Lead Summary

Ask Brandon Marks about that day he looked at himself in the mirror a year or so ago, and he doesn’t mince his words.“I hated what I saw,” the 2015 Nashua-Plainfield High School graduate said. “I mean, it was depressing.”The mirror showed a 245-pound young man who, as Marks succinctly puts it, was very unhealthy. He knew his football career, one he hoped to pursue at Ellsworth Community College, was over, and he also knew that the extra weight — so important in football but so detrimental in life — had to come off.Fast forward to this spring.Marks has shed close to 50 pounds and is now a certified personal trainer and an entrepreneur who started Brandon Marks Fitness, which has clients literally from all over the country.“We do a lot over the phone, face time and things like that,” he said. “The farthest away is a guy from Texas, and I’ve never met him face to face. But we get a lot done and it’s great to see the progress my clients make.”Marks, though, wants his company to do more so he’s starting a program called “Boot Camp for a Cause” in which he hopes to hold monthly charity events while also celebrating the importance of physical fitness.And he’s kicking off the boot camps with one in Nashua on Saturday, April 22, with all proceeds benefiting the Troy and Carrie Tysdahl family.For the complete story see the 4/6/2017 Nashua Reporter.

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