County’s VA director moved to ‘full-time’

Chickasaw County Veterans Affairs Director Lindsay Zenner, who said she took office in July 2017, will be going “full-time” as budgeted by the Veterans Affairs Commission, effective today (Friday) after lengthy consideration and a 4-1 vote by the Board of Supervisors on Monday.Zenner has been working 24 hours a week, Chickasaw County Veterans Affairs Commission Chairman David Boss told the board, and the commission voted unanimously to bring her on full-time “in order to accomplish the outreach efforts, identify” military and veterans, adding, “she has all the certifications.”As for outreach, the Floyd County VA director expressed concerns that Chickasaw County veterans were going to Floyd County for service, and other Chickasaw vets are going to other counties, Boss added.“She [Zenner] had responded that she keeps telling them not to,” Boss said. “Essentially they can go to any county office they want to in the state, they just can’t get financial assistance from a county other than the one they’re a resident in. … There wasn’t any issue of veterans not wanting to go to Chickasaw County, they just got in the habit of going … elsewhere.”— For more on this story, see the Feb. 1 New Hampton Tribune.