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County’s Emergency Operations Center opens

Lead Summary

Officials from MercyOne New Hampton Medical Center, Chickasaw County Public Health and Homecare services and Chickasaw County Emergency Management are reminding residents that the county’s Emergency Operation Center (EOC) is open and has an emergency response structure in place to deal with community questions and public requests while also attempting to reduce the duplication of efforts.
The three organizations released a joint media statement late Saturday in which they said they were working closely with business representatives and religious leaders as they continue monitoring a situation that they say “is evolving quickly.”
The Chickasaw County Emergency Operations Center (EOC) is a centralized location to support multi-agency and/or multi-jurisdiction disaster response coordination and communication.  The structure used is the incident command system, which is the standard nation-wide. Each day, the EOC director, section chiefs, and management staff receive regular briefings, establish emergency management priorities, review current objectives, plan future objectives, and formulate the EOC Action Plan for COVID-19.
For more on this story see the March 24 Tribune.

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