City Council votes to give raises to employees

Although Nashua is still waiting for its long-delayed Treasurer’s Report, City Council members voted Monday to give most of its employees 4 percent raises.All city employees, save for City Clerk Tabitha Caswell and Water Superintendent Jeff Smith, will receive the raises, and Caswell and Smith will receive raises after they complete training courses.The raises were approved by a 3-1 vote, with Brenda Roberts voting no and Rolland Cagley abstaining.Library Board member Karen Sinnwell pointed out that it was up to her board, not the council, to decide raises for library employees.The Council approved a total budget for the library but not raises for an employee, according to state, city and library codes.Library Director Heather Hackman handed out copies of the ordinances so the new Council members would know for the future.Also on Monday, resident Nick Henningsen voiced his concern about the Council’s decision not to let the public talk and be a part of the meeting.“You are going down a slippery slope,” said Henningsen.Mayor Angie Dietz announced to the members of the audience that they would have their time to talk only during the open time from the public.After the public comments session has been closed audience members would not be able to respond or be part of the conversations unless they were addressed by the Mayor or a City Council member.For the complete story see the 7/21/2016 Nashua Reporter.