Beach Bash ready to take on Alzheimer’s

The Beach Bash to End Alzheimer’s is gearing up for its fifth year in New Hampton, raising money and awareness for Alzheimer’s Disease on Saturday, July 30 at Big Ed’s Firehouse in New Hampton.Committee members agree that throughout the years the event is bringing more and more people and definitely more awareness for the cause and disease alike.“The event brings more people to town each year it seems,” said Committee member Amy Laures. “We are bringing more awareness for the cause for sure.”Brian Laures, and the whole Laures family, has seen the effects of Alzheimer’s Disease firsthand having a family history of the disease and hopes to improve conditions for those affected by it. His mother, Kathleen Laures, was diagnosed with the disease and lived with it for about 10 years.Alzheimer’s is a type of dementia that causes problems with memory, thinking and behavior. It is a disease that can affect anyone. It does not discriminate against race, age, gender, etc.There are early signs and symptoms of Alzheimer’s including memory loss, problems with words, misplacing things, poor judgement, changes in mood and withdrawal from work or social activities.No cure currently exists but treatments for symptoms are available and research continues. This disease does worsen over time.“We also recognize the caregivers,” said Amy Laures. “It is hard on them seeing loved ones suffer.” Laures went on to explain that the family doesn’t just lose the loved one with dementia once, but twice.“You lose them first when they forget you, and again when they pass away,” said Amy Laures.For the complete story see the 7/22/2016 New Hampton Tribune.