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Supervisors grapple with GB budget riddle but plenty of work remains

By Bob Fenske

Turkey Valley, New Hampton name Smith as new superintendent

By Bob Fenske

County looks to fill ‘gap’ in its GB budget

By Bob Fenske

Memorial bench will honor fallen officer

By Bob Fenske

It was a cold winter’s night when Bill Meadows took the phone call on his farm northwest of Plainfield.

Mayor appoints Schwickerath to City Council; NHPD to get K9, side-by-side vehicle

By Bob Fenske

County leaders say they want to hold the line on RSB tax levy rate

By Bob Fenske

Speech students building a lifelong skill at district contest

By Bob Fenske

Chickasaw Mutual Insurance Association celebrates 150 years in business

By Bob Fenske

City Council gets official word that law enforcement rate going up

By Kelly Terpstra

Of the Reporter

The law enforcement services contract that the Chickasaw County Sheriff’s Office agreed to with the city of Nashua will expire on June 30 of this year. 

New Hampton, Turkey Valley announce finalists for superintendent's position

Injury leads to a career for MercyOne athletic trainer

By Bob Fenske

It was the fall of 2017, and all Nicole Weber wanted to do was make sure she could finish her high school cross country career on the course.

Was that cold enough for you? Arctic blast gives kids first 'snow day'

By Bob Fenske

It took a while, but New Hampton schoolchildren finally got their first “snow day,” albeit without any snow, of the 2024-25 school year.

County, cities get another quarter without ambulance bill

By Bob Fenske

Chamber ready to celebrate, will hold 'gala' in March

By Bob Fenske

It’s been years since New Horizons-Chamber has held an annual meeting, but that’s going to change this year.

Sheriff makes pitch for hiring an additional deputy

By Bob Fenske

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