Students busy preparing for N-P’s fall play

Crunch time now for the Nashua-Plainfield Drama Department students and all lines need to be memorized, set needs to be put up and dress rehearsals are coming soon.The Nashua-Plainfield High School Drama Department is excited to perform their comedy by Patrick Greene for the public on Nov. 4 at 7 p.m. and Nov. 6 at 2 p.m. at the Nashua-Plainfield High School Gymnasium.The play this fall is called “Ibsen Undone” which is an evening of Ibsenian dramas condensed, updated and funnier than ever.There are three seniors who want their last and final fall play to be the best it can be and they are looking back on the memories of past plays they have been in also.“Levi getting a bloody nose from Tyler during the play,” said senior Matthew Bottorff is his most memorable moment of his three years in the plays. Senior Genevieve Reams remembers “Brody’s glitter pockets” as the most memorable and the evidence of this is still on the stage.For the complete story see the 10/27/2016 Nashua Reporter.