Showdown victories

Playing against the 3A individual defending girls state golf champion was a daunting task Tuesday as New Hampton was winning a quadrangular against Clear Lake, Charles City and Waukon at Charles City. Not only was Clear Lake’s Emily Snelling the top Class 3A golfer a year ago, but the Lions finished as the runner-up team in the class. Clear Lake only lost one golfer from that team to graduation, but Snelling, also a good basketball player, was benched in late January with an ACL injury. “She was just cleared to play last night,” Chickasaw coach Eric Olson said Tuesday. “Just getting back and scoring a 42, she still played pretty good. She’s not allowed to hit woods yet, just irons.” Snelling was the meet runner-up, beat out of the top spot by New Hampton freshman Allison Nuss with a 41. Snelling and Lion sophomore Ashley DeLong — who tied for 11th in the state meet last year — both finished with a 42. Nuss was understandably nervous playing against the defending champ. “I didn't know what to expect other than she can probably still put together a good score, even though she is still getting back into golf,” said Nuss.