Power Show ready for its 18th edition

The Northeast Iowa Antique Engine and Power Show prepares for its 18th year in Fredericksburg, celebrating history and heritage.Power Show Committee Member Roger Burgart said this year will be a big year because the Oliver State Show has decided to hold their event in conjunction with the Antique Engine and Power Show because the show’s featured tractor this year is Oliver.“The event keeps getting bigger every year,” said Burgart.He has taken calls from people in Wisconsin, Minnesota and Illinois looking for more information about the event.The event will begin at 10 a.m. on Saturday with outdoor demonstrations followed by the coins in the corn event at 11 a.m. A tractor parade will begin at 11:30 a.m. with blue grass music available from noon to 1 p.m. and 3 to 4 p.m.Other events available on Saturday are rope making, Oliver bailing and combining and a tractor pull at 4 p.m. costing $20The fun starts over on Sunday with outdoor events, butter churning, coins in the corn, plowing and Good Friends Band from 2 to 4 p.m.This year there will also be a lawn tractor pull at 11 a.m. and a Kid’s Sanctioned Pedal Pull at 1 p.m.Outdoor activities for both days will include threshing, steam engines, corn shelling, feed grinding, straw bailing, corn shredding, ensilage cutting, saw mill, hay loading, John Deere press baler, hit and miss gas engine and a flea market.There will also be a food stand available on the grounds both days and golf cars are available to rent.To continue to expand the grounds, a new building is going up that will have a blacksmith shop in one end of the building and a wood working shop at the other end.“We have a good amount of people interested in these hobbies,” said Burgart.The show will be at Pioneer Power Acres at 2732 Stanley Avenue in Fredericksburg. Cost is just $5 which is good for both days with children 12 and under free.