For new mayor, it’s all about energy

For Deb Larsen, being mayor of New Hampton all comes down to energy.Reenergizing the city she calls home was one of her campaign touchstones during last winter’s campaign, one which ended when she beat two opponents in a special election.And recently, she talked to a constituent who was brutally honest with her.“She was thinking about moving but she told me that since the election, she felt a new energy here and now they’re thinking about staying,” Larsen said. “That means so much to me, because that’s what it is going to take to move our city in the right direction.”Larsen took office in early March and hasn’t looked back.Her experience serving on the New Hampton School Board certainly prepared her for parts of the job.Taking a walk, going to the store or even going to a softball game means she’s going to hear from constituents.But there are differences between leading a school district and a city, and so her reading habits have changed.“I’ve put Danielle Steel away and am picking up my [Iowa League of Cities] binders at night,” she said with a laugh, “but it’s interesting. And I believe it helps me be a better mayor.”