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Nashua ref calls national title game

Lead Summary

Jeff Trost and his wife were enjoying a night out for supper with some friends when the phone call came earlier this month.
On the other side of the line was his college football officiating crew chief, Kirk Johnson, and the news was pretty dang good.
“Kirk just said get your bags packed, we’re going to Texas,” said Trost, the longtime Nashua resident and football referee, “and I have to tell you, it was pretty dang exciting.”
And why not? Johnson, Trost and the rest of the American Rivers Conference officiating crew had been selected to work the Division III national championship game that was played in Shenandoah, a suburb of Houston, and on Friday, Dec. 14, the nine men who make up the team took the field and called the game between Mary Hardin-Baylor and Mount Union.
“It’s the same for an official as a player or a coach; you want to make the big games,” Trost said, “and it’s a huge honor to get to work a national title game in any sport at any level.”
The rest of the story may be found in the Dec. 28 Tribune.

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