Leading by example

The preschool boy looked up at New Hampton High School senior Michael Drewelow Tuesday morning and quite honestly stared.Finally, he spoke in a hushed tone and said, “Wow, you’re really tall.”Hey, nothing gets past preschoolers, for let’s face it, the 6-foot-7 Drewelow is “really tall.”And for the next hour or so, the preschooler attached himself at the hip of the high school senior and learned a little bit about eating healthy.Scenes like that played out throughout the New Hampton Elementary School cafeteria Tuesday as students from New Hampton High School family and consumer teacher April Schmitt’s class joined with preschool students taught by Jolene Rosonke, Beth Havlik and Gretchen Wenthold to talk about healthy snacks.Actually, they did a lot more than talk.They danced, they colored, they read and they made healthy snacks that looked like dinosaurs, dolphins, cars, butterflies, giraffes and more.For the complete story see the 10/21/2016 New Hampton Tribune.